Alejandra Rubio defends herself against the haters who ruin her return to work: “I carry my grief and my pain as best I can, not as you want”

In the most difficult days for the Campos family, Alejandra Rubio stands up to those who displease her with her new posts on her networks and her return to work in Fiesta. This Monday the 11th Terelu and Carmen Borrego will attend the funeral in Malaga for the death of their mother, María Teresa Campos. … Read more

Luis Miguel is hiding on his tour to not attend the wedding of his daughter, Michelle Salas

The relationship between Luis Miguel And your daughter Michelle Salas she `s complicated. Proof of this is the singer’s refusal to attend the wedding of his daughter with the Venezuelan tycoon. Danilo Diazwhich will take place this September. The interpreter of Now you can go He is immersed in his concert tour of America. For … Read more

The CSD hopes that the RFEF elections will be held “as soon as possible”: “If it can be, the first quarter of 2024”

MADRID, 11 Sep. (EUROPA PRESS) – The president of the Higher Sports Council (CSD), Víctor Francos, confessed that he wants the elections to elect the new president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF), after the resignation of Luis Rubiales, to be carried out “as soon as possible.” before, in the first quarters of 2024″, … Read more

The wedding of María Jesús Ruiz and her boyfriend Curro that leaves the guests amazed: they get married in a fashion show

Total surprise. María Jesús Ruiz and her boyfriend, Curro Rodríguez, got married by surprise at the designer Julio Lama’s fashion show that was held in Ponferrada. The catwalk was the chosen setting to become husband and wife, under the watchful eye of Maestro Joao or Ana María Aldón, leaving everyone speechless. “The most incredible and … Read more

Iceta: “If Rubiales’ resignation had been earlier we would have all saved ourselves some problems”

MADRID, 11 Sep. (EUROPA PRESS) – The acting Minister of Culture and Sports, Miquel Iceta, positively assessed the resignation of Luis Rubiales as president of the RFEF this Monday, although he did not hide that “everyone” would have “saved some problems if it had been earlier”, while he opined that They consider that “the most … Read more

Alberto and Charlene from Monaco promote their marriage at a rugby match (in ‘PDA’ mode)

Straight, cold, unalterable and always firm. Alberto and Charlene from Monaco are allergic to public displays of love (PDA). For this reason, it has attracted so much attention that the prince hugged his wife from behind at a public event. The gesture, unprecedented in this marriage, is preceded by a powerful noise of separation in … Read more

Alinghi confirms its four crew members for the America’s Cup Preliminary Regatta in Vilanova i la Geltrú

MADRID, 11 Sep. (EUROPA PRESS) – Alinghi Red Bull Racing confirmed this Monday the Swiss sailors Arnaud Psarofaghis, Bryan Mettraux, Yves Detrey and Maxime Bachelin to form its crew for the Preliminary Regatta of the America’s Cup Sailing that will take place in Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona) from the 14th to the 17th. of … Read more