Belén Esteban reveals how many kilos she has gained since working on ‘Ni que fueramos Shhh’: “I have anxiety…”

As if we were Shhhthe Fabricantes Studio show, closed its first season this Wednesday. In one of its last broadcasts, Bethlehem Estebanone of the star contributors on the Ten and Canal Quickie show, has revealed how many kilos she has gained since the programme began. “I’ll trade you a sandwich for the audio“, the director … Read more

The Olympic look of the ‘royal’ in Paris

Royal parade in Paris on the occasion of the opening gala of the 2024 Olympic Games. Minutes before the fantastic show began on the Seine, the invited Heads of State visited the Elysée Palace, where they were received by the presidential couple formed by Emmanuele and Brigitte MacronThe hostess opted for a simple and sophisticated … Read more

This is how King Felipe and Queen Letizia experienced the opening of the Olympic Games in Paris

The city of Paris has dressed up this Friday to host the inauguration of the Olympic Games 2024an event attended by important personalities from the world of art, culture, business and royalty. Don Felipe and Doña Letiziawho received the members of the Spanish Olympic Team at the Spanish Embassy in Paris on Thursday, did not … Read more

“You have to enjoy life”

He has denied it actively and passively, publicly and even among his closest circle, but Hiba Abouk has had to surrender to the evidence and confirm, finally, that he has a ‘fling’ with Escassi. Hours after stating on the street that “there is nothing between Álvaro and I”, the actress has rectified and admitted: “I’m … Read more

“The muse of Pride has backfired”

Bárbara Rey caused a great stir on social networks when this Wednesday, during the broadcast of Blood tieson TVE, she wore a bracelet with the Spanish flag on which was written: “Government resignation.” After the comments she received, the Totana starlet published a post on Instagram, boasting about her election. The mother of Sofía Cristo … Read more