“Depression didn’t let me act”

Five days have passed since the arrest of the former contestant of Big Brothersentenced to five years and eight months in prison for five domestic violence offences. On the run for almost two years, he entered Brians I awaiting the final module that was assigned to him this Monday: the module for those convicted of gender-based violence in Brians II, the same prison where Dani Alves was. From here, Carlos Navarro He has made a statement in which he does not show the slightest regret for what happened: “I have spoken to the psychologist and the social worker and they told me that I am a direct candidate for third grade, but of course, if I had entered on the first day,” he says. “It’s still too early to know how I’ll be here because the sentence is high.”

A few words that he sent in a written letter to TardeAR through his lawyer. Of all the questions that the journalist sent to Carlos Navarro, he has only answered those related to his children: “In 2017, I had children who, when I wanted to do activities, I couldn’t. The depression didn’t let me act. And with this sentence and the removal of my parental authority, I consider the relationship with them lost.”. And he adds: “Fayna took their phones away so that she could not speak to them or listen to them until November 2020, the day of the trial. Now they don’t wait for me anymore and I think they will never wait for me, that’s the heartbreak.” Finally, she is grateful for the support of her family: “I have the support of my family and without them, nothing else matters.”

In a few hours, El Yoyas will be transferred to the module where he will serve his sentence, intended for those convicted of gender-based violence. Until now he has occupied a temporary cell in Brians I, where he already fraternized with other prisoners in the first hours: “If I had known, I would have come earlier, here the food is better than in the military,” he said sarcastically to his lawyer, Esteban Gómez. The lawyer also revealed that his family had paid 500 euros for Carlos’ expenses in prison and that he had already obtained vouchers for tobacco and cafeteria: “It is perfectly adapted”said.
