Ramón García and the triumph of the new Grand Prix: we go through his successes and failures, also personally

Ramon Garcia is more fashionable than ever after being one of the most sought-after presenters of the 90s and the 2000s. It will be his charisma, closeness or even the nostalgia that he transmits by presenting programs from another era again, but the truth is that the debut of the new Grand Prize This Monday … Read more

Álvaro de Luna, in ‘in love’ mode with Laura Escanes on stage: “The most beautiful thing that has happened to me”

Laura Scanes y Alvaro de Luna They star in a love story worthy of a teen movie. Their complicit glances in every corner of Madrid or Menorca, the paradise island where they have spent their last vacation, suggests that the flame of love between the influencer and the singer is more alive than ever. The … Read more

Adara Molinero, scared by her intestinal problem: “Survivors is taking its toll on me”

Survivors take its toll. Not only because of the harsh coexistence, but also because of the minuscule food intake for more than three months. Violet Mangriñan, Melyssa Pinto and now also Adara Miller. There are already several contestants who, after leaving the crystal clear water and white sand of Cayos Cochinos, suffer abdominal pain. Since … Read more

Ana Rosa Quintana’s husband, sentenced to three months in prison after admitting his guilt in the Villarejo case

As it has transpired this Monday, the National Court has sentenced the ex-commissioner to 19 years in prison Jose Manuel Villarejo for revealing secrets and document falsification, and has acquitted him of the crimes of extortion in the degree of conspiracy and bribery in the first sentence for the so-called Tandem case. Ana Rosa Quintana’s … Read more

Felipe VI, “the best-dressed king in Europe” according to The Telegraph: “Carlos and Guillermo are doing it wrong”

Since the Wimbledon final, held last Sunday July 16 with the historic victory of Carlos Alcaraz, the King Felipe VI grabs headlines for his good taste when choosing a suit. Praised by the international press, British newspapers continue to praise the Spanish monarch. So much so that The Telegraph wrote this weekend: “Philip VI, the … Read more