Anthony Blake predicts the end of the Christmas Lottery Jackpot: 2.59 billion at stake

Anthony Blake predicted this Thursday the completion of El Gordo de Navidad, which he already got right in 2002. The mentalist revealed the completion of the winning number of the Christmas lottery, which will distribute 2.59 billion euros this Friday. At 67 José Luis González Panizo (real name of the mentalist) can boast of being … Read more

Pedro Piqueras' farewell behind the cameras: applause, tears and parade at Mediaset

Pedro Piqueras He retires at the age of 68, after 51 years dedicated to print media, radio and television. After presenting his latest news this Thursday, the emblematic journalist was surprised with a heartfelt tribute from his editorial colleagues. The images show Pedro Piqueras returning from the set after closing his last news program and … Read more

Daniel Sancho's lawyer accuses the Thai lawyers: “They hid documentation from us, they wanted life imprisonment”

There are four months left until the trial of the son of Rodolfo Sancho in Thailand and things get complicated. This Thursday, Marcos García Montes has pointed directly to the Thai lawyers who advised Daniel for his malpractice. The police have not been spared either, whom they criticize for having leaked information about the case … Read more

Doña Letizia makes magic with her first Paco Rabanne look: velvet, flat tops and a 'Mallorca' updo

The queen is making its debut. And what a premiere! After seeing it this Thursday on the birthday of the Infanta Elena with a modern and youthful outfit that included platform loafers (the latest among the millennials), Mrs. Letizia This Thursday she attended the closing of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European … Read more