Tycoon Rupert Murdoch cancels his wedding to Ann-Lesley Smith: “She can’t stand the press”

They announced their engagement a few weeks ago but the allure of romance hasn’t even reached the summer. Rupert Murdoch y Anne-Lesley Smith They have canceled their wedding, scheduled for the end of summer, due to the media exposure that their unexpected relationship has had: “She is very reserved and couldn’t stand being in the … Read more

Carmen Borrego, devastated: the arrival of her grandson is approaching but her son and daughter-in-law do not treat her

She has said it herself carmen borrego repeatedly: that she greatly regrets granting that exclusive saying that she was going to be a grandmother. Let’s not forget that it was she who announced that her daughter-in-law was pregnant. But not only that: he took advantage of that exclusive and received that good money to shoot … Read more

The question that torments Alessandro Lequio: “Do you know where my son’s genetic material comes from?”

The Italian count went from “I know everything” to “I’m finding out things I didn’t know” in less than 24 hours. His silence has been interpreted as pain and anger at the situation that has generated Ana Obregon with her surrogate motherhood and the position in which she has put him, now a grandfather. Many … Read more

The baptism of Ana Sandra Lequio Obregón: in June and with her father’s Christian suit (if the grandfather gives permission)

The actress is looking forward to this new stage of life in which, at the age of 68, she returns to giving bottles and changing diapers. She does not admit criticism or enter into controversy for having used surrogacy to bring her granddaughter into the world and she is already excitedly preparing her baptism. It … Read more

Silvio Berlusconi, diagnosed with leukemia: remains in intensive care at the age of 86

Maximum concern for the Italian president, who entered the intensive care unit of the San Rafael hospital in Milan this Wednesday afflicted with pneumonia. Twenty-four hours later, the Italian media affirm that the diagnosis of Silvio Berlusconiat 86 years old, is a leukemia aggravated by pneumonia. Il Corriere de la Sera reveals that the president … Read more

Grandpa Lequio will not be at the party they are preparing for Ana Obregón and her granddaughter when she returns to Madrid

It’s an idea of ​​his brothers. Everyone is eager to meet Ana Sandra Lequio Obregón, the granddaughter of Ana Obregon y Alessandro Lequio and they prepare a welcome party for when the artist and the baby land in Madrid in a few weeks. Also read – Alessandro Lequio finds refuge in Galicia after the Obregón … Read more