Uriarte studies the “unacceptable” messages attributed to his sports director

The candidacy of Jon Uriarte studies the homophobic and sexist messages attributed to its sports director, Carlos Avina, which are circulating on social networks. Izan Athletic has published a note on its Twitter account referring to these comments in extremely bad taste. “Izan Athletic wants to state that these statements are not shared by our candidacy under any circumstances. They are unacceptable and collide head-on with the principles and values ​​of the people who make up this candidacy”.

Uriarte and his iron already knew these messages hours of presenting his sports project this morning in Bilbao. The Mexican has been his main electoral trick in this coming-out when there are only three days left before the elections for the presidency of Athletic are held. “Previously we had no record of them,” they add.

“Izaan Athletic will work in the next few hours to verify its veracity, at the same time that it will start conversations with the protagonist of the statements,” he says. Now there is the question of knowing if he will continue to be his top sports manager if the veracity of these messages is verified. In this sense, they point out: “When we have analyzed all these variables, a decision will be made that will be duly communicated to the athletes, as well as to the media.”

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carlos zaballa

Aviña would be one of the strong men with Jon Uriarte