The CSD launches the campaign ‘ACTÍVATE. Health is trained to combat sedentary lifestyle


This Wednesday, the Higher Sports Council (CSD) launched the institutional advertising campaign ‘ACTÍVATE. Health is trained’, a new Government initiative to combat sedentary lifestyle among the population and raise awareness about the importance that physical activity has for health, according to a statement.

The campaign, financed by the European Union through the ‘Next Generation’ Funds, aims to send “a direct message to the audience, encouraging them to leave behind the usual excuses – lack of time, desire, perseverance.” All this, to give people “the ability to decide to take the definitive step towards a healthier life.”

“Many people consider sports and physical exercise as simple leisure and entertainment activities, forgetting how necessary they are for our own physical and mental health,” said the president of the CSD, Víctor Francos.

From the CSD, they recalled that regular physical activity is “a factor of great importance in the prevention and treatment of diseases and pathologies”, encouraging people to practice sports to “maintain adequate physical condition and general well-being, without forgetting its positive influence on Mental health”. “Sport is an effective antidepressant and anxiolytic, in addition to preventing cognitive deterioration,” the statement said.

In Spain, the latest Sports Habits Survey reflects that just over 50% of the population practices sports at least once a week and only 23% do so every day. For this reason, the CSD pointed out that “it is still necessary to raise awareness about the importance of leading an active and healthy life, especially among people over 65 years of age.”