Now they are arguing about who gets the exclusive checks

“We all eat from news like this”The journalist admitted it bluntly the first time she sat on the sofa From Friday to talk about their daughter’s pregnancy. And boy do they eat, but… how much each? Because you can eat acorn-fed ham or chopped meat on offer. And that’s the question now: how to divide the money they have received from the various exclusives they have granted so much Terelu Campos as Alejandra Rubio y Charles Costanza at the expense of the baby who will arrive next Christmas.

According to Kiko Matamoros, there is no consensus: “There is a family disagreement about who owns the money Carlo has raised from his TV interview”he said this Monday in As if we were shhh. María Patiño has provided more information through her puppets, a play that is sweeping social networks: “Alejandra is angry with Mom, because she has taken money and she does not agree. But Alejandra is angry with Carlo because he does not give her her percentage of the interview in From Fridayhe explained. “And of course Potota (Carmen Borrego) is there… and she doesn’t get it,” he added. “Potota wants to get it, but they don’t let her,” Matamoros added.

It should be remembered that there are already three exclusives that the grandmother and the future parents have offered at the expense of the famous pregnancy: the first on the cover of Hellowhere Alejandra and Carlo announced the good news for an amount close to 80,000 euros; Terelu’s interview in From Fridaywhich in addition to a juicy check earned her a contract as a regular guest in place of Patricia Cerezo; and Carlo’s, in which he met his mother-in-law for the first time on a television set for 40,000 euros. He himself said: “Alejandra wanted to say it on her programme but I don’t eat from her programme.”

And that’s not all. According to TardeARwho has analyzed the images of the meeting between mother-in-law and son-in-law, Terelu and Carlo cannot stand each other: “He was very tense and avoided looking at her,” the commentators have assured. “They do not get along.”
