The actress of ‘Elite’ María Pedraza, heartbroken after the death of her father: “One more star goes to the universe”

The actress of Elite y The Money Heist María Pedraza hugged her closest friends and family in the last goodbye to her father, Miguel Pedraza, which took place at the Madrid Funeral Home on Wednesday, June 7. Dejected and disconsolate, María has been greeting all her loved ones who have come to the wake to … Read more

Alejandro Sanz and Rachel Valdés, six months of comings and goings: “Their reconciliations were very passionate”

The singer defended the Cuban artist a few days ago through social networks when Rachel Valdes was pointed out as the cause of his depression. However, the last message of Alejandro Sanz has revived the rumors of a love affair: “Break me, but break me whole, don’t leave little pieces that I have to pick … Read more

Cristiano and Georgina deny the crisis at the blow of ‘publi’ and mess it up in Madrid

“You speak to sell”. These were the words of the Portuguese footballer when asked about an alleged crisis with Georgina Rodriguez, the same one that has accompanied him in Madrid today to present his new business: natural mineral alkaline water and antioxidant. Because they also know a lot about selling, and they sell more together … Read more