Omar Montes and Catherine Zeta-Jones, photographed together in Montmeló

Los Formula 1 Grand Prix They are a sporting event with such an impact in our country that every year it attracts all kinds of national and even world celebrities. On this occasion, an unexpected encounter between Omar Montes y Catherine Zeta-Jones It has been immortalized in the social networks of the former.

It happened this same weekend at the Circuit de Montmeló. There, the Spanish singer, thanks to his natural self-confidence, known to all, did not think twice about approaching the famous Hollywood actress Catherine Zeta-Jones to ask for a photo.

Despite the great interest of the interpreter of The Mask of Zorro for the race that was taking place at the time, she did not hesitate to take a picture with Isa Pantoja’s exwho was so excited that he quickly shared it on his profile on the little bird’s social network.

To top it off, Omar, who is a born provocateur, decided to give the tweet a touch of humor with the photo writing, with several misspellingsthe following: «Here with Catering zeta Jones the protagonist of Pretty woman».
