“This success excites me more than any Grand Slam title”

Rafa Nadal will play his sixth Australian Open final. His 29th fight for the title in a Grand Slam, in which he could become the player with the most ‘majors’ in history (21), breaking the tiebreaker with Novak Djokovic and Roger Federer. Excited, at the foot of the track, he valued the fact of having played with the roof of the Rod Laver Arena closed, something that, a priori, harms him and showed his love towards the competition aussie, in which he no longer expected to have another opportunity to be crowned.

Rod Laver Arena closed: “As everyone knows, I’m more of an outdoor player than an indoor player, but I really enjoy the atmosphere, so I can’t complain at all. I knew before the game that the roof was going to close, but you know what? A month and a half I didn’t even know if I was going to be able to play tennis, so it didn’t matter if it was outdoors or indoors today, I just wanted to enjoy it.”

Unexpected opportunity: “For me, the Australian Open is an incredible competition. As I said a couple of days ago, throughout my career injuries have punished me here, I have played incredible finals, against Novak (Djokovic) in 2012 or against Roger ( Federer) in 2017, I’ve been very close those two times and I feel lucky to win in 2009… but I didn’t imagine I would have another chance in 2022.”

Later, at a press conference, and without losing the emotion with which he came from the court, Nadal shared his feelings with the Spanish journalists.

Profile: “What has helped me to get here is, first of all, that I have been able to play, and second, that I have played well most of the time. The profile you come with at the end does not affect what may happen in track”.

Importance in your career: “In general, for me it is a particularly exciting success. Perhaps more exciting than a victory, than a Grand Slam title, because of how unexpected it was, because of everything we’ve been through in recent months. Because the reality is that not only a month and a half before, if not three weeks ago, we saw it very difficult or almost impossible when we landed in Melbourne to be where we are today. But hey, in the end life gives you these kinds of surprises, these kinds of opportunities and I’m enjoying it to the fullest. I can’t be more grateful for all the support I’m receiving here. The crowd is supporting me practically unconditionally”.

Attitude: “I’m doing my best to do things in the best possible way and with little pressure because of the things we’ve been discussing, and playing with the right attitude, positive at all times, without complaining about anything, about mistakes… Before starting the tournament I said that it was a time to do an exercise in humility, to accept that things were not going to be perfect, and that there would be times when they would be complicated. In general there have been more good times than bad and these have been overcome. And here we are, a semi-miracle, but I’m incredibly happy. And that doesn’t take away from the fact that I’m excited and wanting to make one last effort”.

What is played: “A Grand Slam. I don’t know if it’s going to be my last chance or not. A short time ago it seemed like there would be no other and now we’re here. What’s at stake? I understand this theme of the best in history. But not even on Sunday If I win it will mean that I will be at the end of my career. It would be an important step, but at the end of 20 to 21 it doesn’t change that much either. I understand what moves and I’m no stranger to it. Of course it would be very nice and very important for me. But it really is that I would be very excited, but I don’t think it will change my life. If I win it will give me peace of mind and extra momentary happiness, without a doubt, but life will go on and it won’t change me one way or the other.”