The Pantojas prohibit visits to Bernardo in the hospital and the cafeteria is filled with indignant exiles, among them Junco

Anabel and her aunt give cante, and never better said, in the hospital in Seville where he is admitted Bernardo Pantoja. Her state of health is very delicate and both her daughter and her sister have urgently moved this Thursday to be by her side. Added to the sadness of the moment is the tension, since both have prohibited visits to the patient and the rest of the family and friends are outraged.

The first, Bernardo’s own wife, Rush, who has been banished to the cafeteria. From there she receives calls from friends and relatives to ask about Bernardo’s health status, but she doesn’t know anything, because Anabel e Isabel Pantoja they have barricaded themselves in the room and do not give information to anyone.

Also read – Extreme concern for Bernardo Pantoja: his sister Isabel and his daughter Anabel are already with him in the hospital

Supporting the heartbroken Asian is Magdalena, Bernardo’s aunt: “She is very sad, they don’t let anyone in and we don’t know anything.” And also Silvia Pantojavery close to Bernardo but who has not spoken to Isabel for years.

The one who is not there, nor is he expected, is Kiko Rivera. According to Rafa Mora, no member of the family would have informed him of the deterioration in the state of health of his uncle Bernardo, whom he did visit a couple of months ago, and although he already has the pertinent information, he is not willing to meet his mother again. not even to support her cousin.