Sara Sálamo messes her up on Twitter when comparing sexist violence with ETA terrorism: “Ignorant stupid”

The actress, a pro feminist, has become a Trending Topic on social networks this Monday. The reason? A tweet in which he compares male violence with ETA terrorism and which has hurt sensitivities: “Spanish male chauvinists kill more than ETA”. The wave of criticism has been so brutal that Sara Salamo has deleted the image.

The controversy, however, was already served, and Sálamo has put it on a platter to all those who have been pointing it out for years as the ‘culprit’ of the sports downturn of Isco, his partner and father of his two children. Teasing and out of place comments that have been repeated throughout the day and to which, on this occasion, the interpreter of Costa del Sol Brigade has turned a deaf ear.
