María Patiño, absent from her last programs as host of 'Socialité': the reason and her farewell

Maria Patino ends his stage in Socialite. After six years as a presenter, the new Netflix star faced her last two shows this weekend. However, the renowned journalist did not attend the set this Saturday because she had a fever. In her place, she sat in front of the camera Javier de Hoyos, the program director. Faced with this peculiar situation, Patiño shared an emotional farewell text this Friday through his Instagram account.

“I want to thank my two loves, I decided, even though I had a job, to get into this wonderful adventure,” said the presenter. Likewise, Patiño He expressed his gratitude towards his colleagues in the program. “Thanks to Paolo Vasile, Oscar Cornejo and Adrián Madrid for believing in me. Thanks to my directors Patricia, María José Camacho, David Linares and Javier de Hoyos. Thanks to you for allowing me to grow. Thank you for adding Nuria Marín. Thank you for taking a smart decision,” he said.

Regarding her future work, the journalist stated that she wants to grow and feel valued in the profession. “I need to keep walking and feel what any worker deserves, to feel valued, Socialite He has achieved the impossible. A pleasure.”, she concluded.

After this emotional message, multiple users thanked María Patiño for her professionalism during the six years that she has presented the aforementioned space. “Thank you so much for so much, María. For so many years giving us TELE, yes, TELE in capital letters,” expressed her followers.

Mediaset confirmed last Friday, December 22 that Maria Verdoy will be the new presenter of Socialite starting next January 6th. The Fuencarral audiovisual group decided that it did not want to continue with María Patiño and Nuria Marin at the head of his weekend program.