In Courtois is the League

Among the defects that the Real Madrid this season there was a lack of defensive reliability. During much of the season it has been possible to see how teams without great offensive potential have been able to see the door against the white club with relative ease. The Valencia he put four, the Shakhtar, three in the Gave Stefano, and many others have been able to overcome Courtois twice in the same game, such as Betis or Borussia Mönchengladbach. However, this problem seems to be a thing of the past.

Zidane has been forced to restructure the team and the foundations have been put in defense. It is the same formula that allowed him to win the last league, when after the confinement Madrid only received six goals in eleven games and two of them were on the last day, with the title already decided. In addition, he has done so with the added difficulty of the continuous injuries. Among them, that of Sergio Ramos, capital in recent achievements and leader of the group. In that line, just Varane Y Mendy they get rid. The rest have suffered different ailments throughout the season. Currently, in addition to the captain, Carvajal, Marcelo, Odriozola Y Militao they are on leave.

Courtois and Zizou's Guard

Courtois It is one of the main reasons for Madrid's solidity. The Belgian adds 55 stops this season, 13 of them in the last five games. Against Valladolid he saved the furniture by making five stops of merit. Between them, he saved a double chance from the rival in the first half and, in the second, he stopped a shot from point-blank range from Orellana correcting an error of Mendy. Your numbers bring you closer to revalidating the Zamora that you already got last season.

His arrival in 2018 aroused some suspicion. The good work of Keylor Navas During his time in white and his first months, which were certainly complicated, they raised doubts. However, in the two and a half seasons he has been at Madrid, he has earned the respect of the dressing room and the fans. He is already one of the pillars of the team. “I am not surprised by his stops. It is a great goal.”, commented his partner Casemiro after winning at Pucela.

The numbers in the last days show that Madrid has thrown the lock. Since the defeat to him I raised On January 30 (1-2), the Whites played four games in which they barely conceded a goal (against Huesca in El Alcoraz). Chain three leaving his clean sheet (Getafe, Valencia Y Valladolid), something that he had only been able to achieve once this season (in December against Seville, Borussia Y Athletic of Madrid). It has been placed as second-lowest-scoring team in the competition with three more goals than Sevilla and Atleti, and having one more game than the colchonero team.

As for the rest of the defensive line, Zidane has found a formation that, without Ramos or Carvajal, is giving him full guarantees. Lucas Vazquez occupies the right. The Galician has reinvented himself and is already one of the best right-back of the season in the League. On the left, Mendy, a player who has the same facility to make mistakes and to correct them later. The central pair is made up of Varane and Nacho. The Frenchman has recovered his best version with the youth squad, who returns to show his face when the team needs him most. The four will repeat in the decisive match in Bergamo against the Atalanta.

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* Data updated as of February 21, 2021