“Hazard is in a vicious cycle with injuries”

Eden Hazard's injury worries in Madrid and also in Belgium. From the selection trained by Roberto Martínez he has spoken Kristof Sas, head of the medical services of the 'red devils, through the newspaper Nieuwsblad assuring that he sees Hazard within “a vicious circle”.

“We are waiting to know more but it is worrying. The injuries of other players like Praet, Mertens or De Bruyne at this point do not worry us in the face of the Eurocup, it is until a break. They can start again, but with Eden it is different. It is a chronic relapse that, in the end, always goes wrong, “said the doctor.

According to the Belgian doctor, each injury has a certain relationship with the next and complicates the situation. “At first it was an ankle problem but the last three times it was muscle injuries. Eden is in a vicious cycle and it is not easy to get out. Like any elite athlete, it is necessary for your muscle groups that you train (properly). A soccer player must hit it, turn, jump and everything, at great speed. This is much more difficult during rehab, “he added.

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With a view to a European Championship in which they are among the favorites with a golden generation led by Eden along with Courtois, De Bruyne, Lukaku, Carrasco and his brother Thorgan, Dr. Sas encourages the Madrid winger with the recovery. “If you are in shape you have more options to stay healthy. We would have preferred Eden to play everything for Madrid. It is the best way to get to the Euro Cup well. The situation is not complicated for us but it must get out of that impasse, “he says.

After being absent on Tuesday, Eden Hazard returned to training on Wednesday suffering from discomfort other than those that deprived him of training the day before. The Belgian winger underwent tests that confirmed a new muscle injury. This will keep you off for three to four weeks.

Distrust in Belgium

According to Niewsblad, in the Belgian Federation there are serious doubts about the care that Eden Hazard receives in Madrid. The Federation considers that the white medical body is not hitting the mark and that Real Madrid should consult them more regularly. In addition, from this medium, they open the option of a recovery in Belgium.

It is not the first time that from the Federation messages of mistrust have been sent towards the white club about the injuries of the extreme, which they consider capital for the selection to lift the first title in its history.