Minister Castells will start his “listen” round this month to draw up a state pact and a new university law

Madrid 02/13/2020 – 13:38 The Minister of Universities, Manuel Castells, will begin the round of visits to Spanish universities “this month of February”, with the aim of making “a collective diagnosis” to “do things differently” through “listening activates “various actors in the university field, such as management teams, student and faculty representatives, research centers, as … Read more

The Catalan employer asks Mobile to extend the contract with Barcelona to “compensate for the losses of this damn virus”

Catalan businessmen are going to ask GSMA, the international association of the mobile industry, which is promoting the Mobile World Congress (MWC), to compensate the cancellation this year of the event with an extension of the contract. In statements to the Economist, Josep Sánchez Llibre, president of the Catalan employers' association Foment del Treball and … Read more

European stock exchanges correct 1% for the rebound of Covid-19: the Ibex 35 is ‘wobbly’ in the 9,800

02/13/2020 – 9:05 Updated: 13:50 – 02/13/20 The European stock exchanges deepen the correction of this Thursday as the session progresses. The strong rebound in the number of deaths and infected by the new coronavirus (Covid-19) invites caution in the parks. The return to falls in oil does not help either. Asian places have registered … Read more

Nadal boasts Federer’s gift after Match in Africa

Roger Federer and Rafa Nadal staged a stupendous tennis and solidarity lesson final week through the Match in Africa occasion, which broke the world document for followers of a match after bringing collectively about 52,000 folks at Cape City Stadium in Cape City (South Africa). With the sale of tickets to the occasion, about 3.5 … Read more