Bibiana Fernández, faced with the Obregón ‘monotema’: “Knowing that I am going to miss my son’s wedding, the brides… it would torment me”

“It is an unusual case due to Ana’s age. There are many people who have resorted to surrogate motherhood and it is a complicated debate. But what has shocked me the most is Ana’s age at this time to start raising a solitude in solitude newborn girl”, this is how Ana Rosa Quintana expressed herself … Read more

Begoña Villacís defends the surrogacy of Ana Obregón and challenges the feminists of Montero: “Can we abort but not gestate?”

the maternity of Ana Obregon At the age of 68, thanks to a surrogate, she has reopened the debate on surrogacy (illegal in Spain) not only in the media and social networks but also in the Congress of Deputies. to the demonstrations of Núñez Feijóo e Irene Montero those of begona villaciswho has questioned the … Read more

Georgina and Paula Echevarría, among others, show their support for Ana Obregón: “Your princess is very lucky”

There are many who criticize the decision of Ana Obregon of becoming a mother at the age of 68 thanks to surrogacy. Luckily for her, there are also many who support her and have sent her all of her support and love. For example, Georgina Rodriguezwho also has three children (Cristiano Jr., Eva and Mateo) … Read more

Antonia Dell’Atte, shamelessly against Ana Obregón and her new maternity: “Selfish and pathetic”

The new maternity Ana Obregon Surrogacy is the theme of the day par excellence. The decision of the actress, who lost her biological son three years ago due to cancer, has opened a heated debate about surrogates (illegal in Spain) and the last to comment has been Antonia Dell’Attethe first wife of Alessandro Lequio. Also … Read more