Pilar Eyre, on the ‘puzzle’ of Obregón’s maternity: “If you have the possibility of having a child from your son who has died…”

Maternity by surrogacy of Ana Obregon At 68 years old, he has opened a whole debate. On this, among other things, he flies over the question of who will have been the sperm donor to carry out the process. how we publishthe theory that is on the lips of programs such as Susanna Griso is … Read more

Obregón’s most watched film splits Spain in two: The Handmaid’s Tale or Is this grandmother a danger?

Carmen Lomana She is a woman without filters, as she demonstrated again this Wednesday when giving her opinion before Susanna Griso on Antena 3 that Ana Obregon “She is going to be a grandmother because the pregnant woman has been inseminated with her son’s semen,” said literally. But the identity of the sperm donor that … Read more

Yulen Pereira signs an exclusive to tell everything about Anabel Pantoja: “She talks about serious things”

The fencer opens Pandora’s Box just a month after his break with Anabel Pantoja. Despite having said actively and passively that she would not talk about what happened in her relationship with the little pantojita girl, Yulen Pereira He has accepted a juicy check to give his version of what happened. Her interview will be … Read more

Tamara Falcó enters the ‘Obregón debate’: “I do not judge her, but I think of the fertilized eggs that are thrown away and have a soul”

From Feijóo to Tamara Gorro passing through Susanna Griso or Carmen Lomana. Everyone has expressed their opinion these days about the decision of Ana Obregon of becoming a mother by surrogacy at the age of 68. The last to do so was Tamara Falco: “What she has experienced is horrible, losing her son, cancer… I … Read more

Tamara Gorro, mother by surrogacy, defends Obregón: “I did not pay the surrogate and I am sure that Ana did not either”

The talk show host is outraged. The debate and controversy that has been generated after maternity by surrogacy of Ana Obregon at 68 years old it makes him remember old wounds. And it is that Tamara Beanie She was the mother of her first daughter thanks to a surrogate in the United States. She then … Read more