Yulen Pereira’s reflection after her breakup with Anabel Pantoja: “Life doesn’t stop for anyone”

The American ‘panto-tour’ of Anabel Pantoja It has not had a story ending. As we already publishedjust return to Spain, Yulen Pereira ended their relationship of more than eight months. It was initially rumored that there was a third person involved, Melania Puntasbut the influencer he quickly denied that he had anything to do with the fencer.

Also read: Anabel Pantoja, drowned in sorrows because of Yulen: she has to pay the rent for her apartment in Madrid alone

The niece is hurt, above all, because her environment assures that she has been caught by surprise that Yulen wanted to break up with her. In addition, she now has to assume the expenses of the apartment that they had rented together in Madrid, as how do we advance.

Pereira, for his part, seems to face this moment more calmly. Or at least that’s how he shows it on his social networks, where this Thursday he shared a reflection by American actor and comedian Kevin Hart: “Life doesn’t stop for anyone.”

“I’m just a realist. I know how to separate the false reality from the true. And the true reality is that no matter how much emotion and feeling you may have, how much pain you may have, life has to go on. Life doesn’t stop for anyone.” says Hart in the video.

“So if you don’t process and understand that, you’ll be forever stuck in that period of time where you were hurt.” Forever!” continues the speech, emphasizing that feelings like “resentment, anger or negativity” are useless. “I don’t have time for that, because I live to do positive things. I can’t stay in the past and get stuck in what was wrong,” he concludes.