Rafael Amargo, without mincing words after leaving prison, criticizes the signing of Tamara Falcó in ‘Got Talent’: “I don’t see her judging art”

New stage Rafael Amargo. After almost half a year behind bars, the dancer is now standing in front of the microphones to talk about the ordeal he has experienced in prison. Likewise, with the sincerity that characterizes him, the artist has given his opinion on the signing of Tamara Falco in Got Talent.

Tamara is very pretty. Tamara is very funny, she is very nice. Tamara has many ideas. Tamara is a divine girl, but I don’t see her judging art“, Amargo said this Tuesday after being awarded a star on the Las Vegas Walk of Fame. It must be remembered that the Marchioness of Griñón signed up for the Mediaset talent show last May to fill the position that Edurne left vacant. .

Beyond questioning the new job of Isabel Preysler’s daughter at Telecinco, Rafael Amargo expressed how he is feeling after his release from prison. “I am still very vulnerable with everything that has happened to me. I am waking up. I have spent six months deprived of liberty in a prison“said the dancer, visibly moved.

The Provincial Court of Madrid released without precautionary measures Rafael Amargo until there is a sentence for the trial that concluded on April 12 for alleged drug trafficking in his apartment in Malasaña. It must be remembered that this measure was agreed upon at the request of the Prosecutor’s Office to ensure the holding of the trial and, once held, he was released. Since November, Amargo remained in the Soto del Real prison in Madrid.
