The notes of Julio Salinas: “Great Barça of basketball”

10 Command Barça basketball

Another demonstration of authority and dominance by Barça basketball in the Cup final. And this time, with a comeback. After the last beating of Madrid in the Euroleague on their own ground, Jasikevicius’s team closes their participation in the Cup with a well-deserved victory. End of a round day, after the wide victory in Mestalla (1-4), with a new lesson from the youngsters, who prove to be at the level of Xavi and Iniesta. By the way, at 1-4 all the credit goes to Pedri, but the goal belongs to Aubameyang, there’s no arguing, he was the last to touch the ball.

9 Bautista-Alcaraz: There is tennis beyond Nadal

Roberto Bautista and Carlos Alcaraz have shown this weekend that not everything in Spanish tennis ends with Rafa Nadal, who is very good but not the only one. Bautista prevailed in Doha after taking revenge on Nikoloz Basilashvili, whom he defeated 6-3, 6-4. Bautista is the first Spaniard to win the prestigious Doha tournament twice. And Carlos Alcaraz played yesterday the ATP Rio Open 2022 against Schwartzman.

5 Ferran Torres, without shield or logo

Ferran Torres scored against Napoli in the Europa League with a curious shirt: he did not wear the Barça shield or the Nike logo. Unheard. Beyond the fact that it is a curious and striking fact, there has been some type of negligence that will surely not have been funny to one of the main sponsors of the club. For once, those of us who are old enough think of the emblems that our mothers sewed on our old shirts.

2 Ryanair gets the tito by the butt in trolling Djokovic

“I am not anti-vaccine but I have always supported the freedom to choose,” Novak Djokovic said in an interview with the BBC, a phrase that has been parodied by Ryanair: “We are not an airline, but we fly planes #Djokovic,” he wrote in a ironic tweet. Beyond the lack of respect for the tennis player, whom he explicitly cites, they have already been trolls. “We are an airline but we do not accept baggage”, for example, they have responded to an airline with low prestige and also disrespectful.

0 Assault on Foden’s mother

Phil Foden’s mother was assaulted by fans while attending an evening of boxing at the Manchester AO Arena. Foden was rebuked by some fans in the presence of his girlfriend and his mother, who came out to defend him and received a brutal attack. Pictures of the fight have gone viral. Beyond the fact that it is Foden’s mother, who already accumulates a complete service record in terms of fights, it is unpresentable that the red lines of physical aggression are crossed.