The new ones are excited at Girona

Girona got the first three points of the season on Sunday in Butarque, but beyond the result, the feelings left by the new hires are the main reason for joy and excitement to believe in the remodeled squad led by Francisco Rodríguez.

The proper name of the meeting is clear and evident: Mamadou Sylla. Last Wednesday, two days after the market closed, Girona announced the incorporation of the Spanish-Senegalese forward Mamadou Sylla, who arrived after terminating his contract with Gent and signed for the next two seasons with the Girona team.

Reach out and kiss the saint. An unbeatable debut for Barça and Espanyol, whom Francisco placed as the starting point of attack before the loss due to injury of Cristhian Stuani and the few days of training of Pablo Moreno, who does not have the profile of playing only as “9” .

Mamadou, who ran, fought and gave the team oxygen by holding the balls that came to him, crowned his performance with five minutes to go in the first half, when he scored the only goal of the game and that was decisive. The striker took advantage of Monchu's recovery in pressure and after controlling, with his right, he fired from the front against which Cuellar could only watch. A few minutes later, Mamadou himself surprised everyone with another individual action within the area and after cutting Ignasi Miquel he looked for the goal squad and, this time, Cuellar avoided the goal.

Cristoforo and Monchu, holy water for the spinal cord

Beyond Mamadou, the positive news in Girona, which had a great performance in general, were Cristóforo and Monchu. The first of them made his debut in Butarque after being signed at the last minute and Monchu, who was in his third game as a starter, showed with his physique and technique that he is a footballer who will be very important in this campaign. An immovable lung in the spinal cord.

Relive Girona's victory in Leganés

The Uruguayan Cristóforo, as pivot, was the beacon that guided Girona in the engine room. Character, aggressiveness and immediate performance is what the midfielder contributed to the team, a necessary and essential profile for Francisco and who will be the one who marks the balance.

Moon, remarkable

Another of the new faces of Girona and who is having importance from the first moment is Antonio Luna. The left-hander started last week thanks to the sanction of Enric Franquesa and fulfilled with a note. His arrivals at the baseline, but above all his defensive reliability is very popular with the coaching staff.