The first analysis of Athletic accounts arrives

First analysis of Athletic's accounts. The manager's accountant, Jon Ander de las Fuentes, will appear on Thursday in San Mamés with a preview of the numbers that will be presented in more detail at the Assembly of Compromise Partners on the 27th. Given the circumstances with the coronavirus, this year it will be telematics.

The presentation will begin at 12 noon and can be followed through the Athletic YouTube channel. From the Sources will explain the financial situation of the club, advancing the closing of last season and the budget for the 2020-21 fiscal year, which will be published in the Annual Report and which, from that same day, will be available to the members in the 'Txoko' Web.

Previous meetings with partners

In addition, it will also be reported in the usual meetings with delegates prior to the Assembly. Two face-to-face meetings will be held in San Mamés (Monday 14 and Thursday 17, both at 7:00 p.m.), with a capacity limitation (70 people). And also a telematic meeting, on Sunday, December 20, to which all delegates can connect.

All delegates will receive an email tomorrow with information regarding the two previous face-to-face meetings (days 14 and 17). If you want to register, you will only have to respond by specifying the chosen date. The period will close this Friday (at 2:00 p.m.). If there are more people than the capacity allows, a raffle will be held. For the telematic meeting, everyone will receive an email next week with the access instructions.