“The fans cleared the ball from Raúl García at the post”

The center of Granada German Sanchez said, after his team’s 1-0 victory against Athletic Club, that the rojiblanca fans with his spirits “cleared the ball from Raúl García” that crashed into the post in the last action of the match.

“With this victory we have taken a very important step. The match against Mallorca (2-6 in favor of Granada) was mentally important to get some air and today we have endorsed it against a great rival”, commented German after the match in Movistar.

The center-back acknowledged that there was “tension” in the last minutes because Athletic “pressed hard” and that they had “a little luck” in the final stretch in which “The fans cleared the ball from Raúl García at the post”.

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Germán dedicated the win to the fans because “when things have gone wrong they have filled the field time after time, despite not winning since December at home”.

“We were not in a good dynamic and we have changed the streak. Now we have to take advantage of that good dynamic, ”she commented.

The central indicated that the technician Aitor Karanka has brought the costumeor from Granada “air and new ideas” and that they are “endorsed with results”.