Raúl García plays as a striker in Germany’s second friendly


Valverde has opted for Nolaskoain and Paredes as central defenders against Duisburg, who play in the German third division

Raúl García continues one more season at Athletic

Raúl García is the most advanced man in the second friendly against Duisburg

John Echeverria

Raul Garcia He plays as a striker in the second 45-minute friendly that Athletic is playing in the Duisburg Traditions Cup against precisely the local team, from the German third division.

Txingurri has opted this time for Ander Iru, Petxarroman, Nolaskoain, Paredes, Lekue, Danny Garcia, Zarraga, Jon Morcillo, Sancet, Nico Serrano y Raul Garcia.

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