Ana Rosa makes a break in the presentation of her program to talk about María Teresa Campos: “She is one of the greats and I hope she overcomes this crisis”

Ana Rosa Quintana has sent a message of affection to María Teresa Campos during the presentation, at the FesTVal de Victoria, of the new program that she is finalizing for Telecinco. TardeAR will start on September 18 and will be the relay of This is life in the strip that for 14 years occupied Save … Read more

The Spanish Raúl García Pierna signs with Arkea for 2024

“This represents a great step forward, it will allow me to grow at a sporting level”, stressed the national time trial champion in 2021 MADRID, 4 Sep. (EUROPA PRESS) – The Spanish cyclist Raúl García Pierna, from Kern Pharma and Spanish champion in time trial in 2021, has reached an agreement to be a member … Read more

New statement on the state of health of María Teresa Campos: “It has worsened and is very serious”

The Jiménez Díaz Foundation has issued a new statement on the state of health of Maria Teresa Campos. Her daughters have confirmed the worsening of the veteran communicator, 82 years old. “The patient Ms. María Teresa Campos Luque continues to be admitted to the Fundación Jiménez Díaz University Hospital, where she was hospitalized yesterday for … Read more

Leonor will present the Exemplary Town Award to the Asturian parishes of Arroes, Pion and Candanal, in Villaviciosa

This was announced by the Princess of Asturias Foundation in a statement on Monday, September 4. The jury of the foundation has agreed to award the 2023 Exemplary Town of Asturias Award to the parishes of Arroes, Pion and Candanal (Villaviciosa) “for preserving a diversified economy based on local resources”, which has allowed “a recovery … Read more