Levante today approves a budget of 83.1 million

The uprising will celebrate this afternoon, at 6:00 p.m., the General Shareholders' Meeting in the Assembly Hall of the Bancaja Cultural Center. One of the points of the day will be the Examination and approval, if applicable, of the Income and Expense Budget for the fiscal year 2020-2021.

The Granota entity has a budget for this season of 83 million euros (83,163,850) for this season when last year these amounted to about 81.4 million, an increase of 1.7 million despite the crisis caused by Covid-19. The group of Orriols sees increased its television income (from 51 to 55 million) and projects an income for the player transfer result of 16.5 million, an essential item for the purposes of obtaining profits this season.

Levante Shield / Flag

Likewise, Sales revenue (t-shirts, stores and sponsorships) of 3,569,990 are expected, those of advertising amount to 2,999,250 euros, for subscribers and partners to 1,066,810 and 842,000 of the competition itself.

For this course a profit of 133,680 euros has been projected, which will be closely linked to compliance with the budgeted result for player sales. On the other hand, the accounts reflect a significant increase in staff spending (which includes the players of the first and the coaching staff), which has gone from 31,255,000 to 39,556,720 euros in one season.