Letizia, accused of being “secular and feminist”, and of “kicking out the Emeritus of Spain” (in ultra sectors)

The custom of pre-Christmas meals has had this year as a reference to the Bourbons, who shared a tablecloth to eat together on the 20th, coinciding with the 60th birthday of the Infanta Elena. The lunch was not only in the news because it is unusual to see the infantas, the daughters of Don Juan Carlos, together with their sister-in-law and brother, the Emeritus himself, Doña Sofía, and many other relatives.

It was also news because the arrival of the current Monarch and his wife, walking down the street, and those of the other illustrious guests, were immortalized by the cameras of reporters suitably warned so that the “theatrical play” starring such distinguished diners would not go unnoticed. . At the exit, the tumult was already similar to that of Lolita's wedding. A real audience success.

Unable to resist the juicy piece of meat that was thrown at us, the beasts of Royal information hungrily devoured the prey, we chopped it into pieces and realized the peace and harmony that our eyes beheld, as well as the smiles and good vibes. who breathed well-known surnames such as Ortiz Rocasolano, with red blood, and others with blue blood such as Borbón y Grecia, Marichalar Borbón, Urdangarin Borbón, Gómez-Acebo Borbón or Zurita Borbón.

Los chismes de Paris Match, The Times o The Telegraph

They had been reported in previous days, beyond our borders, in media such as the French weekly Paris Match or the british The Times o The Telegraph, gossip like that Don Juan Carlos He had pulled strings to take revenge on his daughter-in-law, airing alleged past loves of Doña Letizia, as suggested by the last newspaper cited. It is assumed that the Emeritus attacked Felipe VI's wife by leaking gossip because she is the one who forced his estrangement from her. Let us remember that the king emeritus has been self-expatriated in Abu Dhabi since August 2020. Of course, it is a lie, and nothing proves that this is the case. But it is another thing that such powerful media demand proof that the relations between Felipe VI and his wife, and the rest of the Family, are cordial. They say that Don Juan Carlos paid for the food.

The country states this Christmas Eve Sunday in an article signed by Miguel Gonzalez that Doña Letizia is considered “a bad influence on the King” by “ultraconservative” sectors that “have made her the target of their attacks.”

In this information, the author refers to the publication of a book by Jaime Peñafiel (which we already reported on at the time) with the testimony of Jaime del Burgo, the Queen's former brother-in-law, in which he talks about an affair with her; in addition to the publication of Mrs. Letizia's personal WhatsApp messages that were later deleted.

But above speculation are the facts: and, forced or not, the scene of the King's family eating in harmony in a Madrid restaurant on Doña Elena's birthday is an undeniable fact: that meeting took place.

Another thing is that Don Juan Carlos I You are not authorized to sleep in Zarzuela, because this is what the Government agreed with Felipe VI, which is why he prefers not to spend the night in Madrid if they do not allow him to do so in what was his home for so many years. Therefore, after the family reunion, he took a private jet to return to Abu Dhabi, as on previous occasions. He did the same on October 31, after celebrating the coming of age of his granddaughter Princess Leonor in El Pardo with the rest of the Royal Family, when he was excluded from the solemn ceremony in Congress.

Juan Carlos I, as we already mentioned, spends his fourth Christmas in the Emirates, perhaps accompanied by Froilán and no other close family member. But his relatives and surely a large group of friends will travel on January 5 to celebrate his 86th birthday there with the former head of state. Zarzuela sources assure this digital that Don Juan Carlos can visit Spain or reside in his country “if His Majesty so wishes” and that “no one prevents him from doing so.” Another thing is that the Emeritus prefers to remain in the Arabian Peninsula, where the Treasury cannot hold him accountable, a situation that would change if he had tax residence in Spain again. His return depends more, therefore, on logistical and tax issues.