A great day for the royal family and especially for the Princess of Asturias. This Thursday, Leonor has entered the Military Academy of Zaragoza to begin her military training, which will last for the next four years and which will make her the Chief of all the Armies, as her father already is. The Kings and the infanta sofia They have accompanied the princess on her arrival in Zaragoza and also at the most significant moment of the morning: the signing of the book of honour.
The signature leaves an official record of the day and time at which the heiress begins her training, vital for the work that she will carry out when she replaces her father on the throne. The king already did it 36 years ago and it has been carried out in the Neo-Mudejar room of the facilities, surrounded by his family. “HRH the Princess of Asturias, Dª Leonor de Borbón y Ortiz, on the day of her arrival at the General Military Academy to begin her military training,” read the page, decorated with the Spanish coat of arms.

It was approximately noon when the lady-cadent Bourbon has made her arrival at the Academy. Respecting her style protocols, she was dressed in white jeans, sneakers, and a denim shirt. With her hair tied up in a ponytail, Leonor has attended the press and she has admitted that she is “excited and nervous”. Her parents and her sister, by her side at all times, have said goodbye to her with big hugs.