Franco: “Spain is a pioneer in Europe in seeking the full integration of the Paralympics in the rest of the federations”


The president of the Higher Sports Council (CSD), José Manuel Franco, believes “with all humility” that Spain is a pioneer “in Europe in seeking the full integration of the Paralympics into the rest of the federations”, and that for this reason “the commitment of the Spanish government to Paralympic sport” is total and that “the Sports Law project contains many advances” in this regard.

“I believe, with all humility, that we are pioneers in Europe in this sense, in seeking the full integration of the Paralympians, of people with disabilities, in the rest of the federations. There can be no real equality of opportunities until we achieve these achievements for which we are fighting”, Franco explained this Tuesday at the opening of the 1st Paralympic Sports Conference, under the title ‘Present and future of the processes of sports inclusion and integration of people with disabilities’ held at the CSD.

The leader pointed out that “thousands of people with disabilities” remind them “every day, not only with their deeds or great sporting results, but with the example they give with their sacrifice”, the path that they must still “walk together”.

Franco at all times underlined “the Spanish government’s commitment to Paralympic sport”, defining the country as a “modern and inclusive” one in which “Paralympic sport has to be an important part of the game”. The president of the CSD stressed that the sport practiced by people with disabilities is “talented, virtuous, admirable and instructive” and that therefore “it will be an important part of the Spanish sports board.”

In addition, he assured that both his organization and the Spanish Paralympic Committee share “the desire that the segregation of people with disabilities within sport finally gives way to the integration of all athletes under the same federation.” “It is our longing, our desire, and together we are going to achieve it,” he said.

“This is a will that includes the draft of the new Sports Law. And it is that this Government considers that the best way to reaffirm disability in sport is by guaranteeing its full integration,” he added.

Thus, Franco referred to the “many advances” of this new legislation, which “recognizes rights that were not recognized” and that in his opinion “has two fundamental aspects, that it is feminist and that it is clearly committed to inclusion.” “I like to point out that this bill is a good indicator of the progress that the Spanish government is making in inclusion in sport,” Franco declared, for whom all this “is not a simple will” because they are “demonstrating” it. .

Finally, the President of the Council was very happy to host this conference at “such a transcendent moment that Paralympic sport is experiencing”. “It is a time of change in which the world of sport is preparing to give a uniform response to the claims and demands of the Paralympic movement,” he stressed.