Damaris continues to fight for his rights

“We will continue fighting, together we are stronger! We just want the right to decide our future … the 17 involved and all who could be affected in the following years if this does not change. ” This is how it is expressed Damaris Egurrola through Twitter. And it is that the problem regarding training rights in women's football continues entrenched and without solution.

In the collective agreement signed at the beginning of the year, it was established that a club may request compensation of up to 500,000 euros for the departure of a player under the age of 23 at the end of her contract. An amount that should be paid by the entity by which the aforementioned player signed. Rules that only adhere to the national market.

And in those are Damaris Egurrola and Maite Oroz. In both cases, the Athletic request 250,000 euros. Something they consider abusive and what they are fighting against. The rule also stipulates that 15% of the required figure, in this case 250,000 euros, go to the footballer in question.

The two players have already announced that they will change their air starting next season, however it is not yet official what their destinations will be. The Real Madrid glide on the horizon, especially with Navarra.