The Sports Sector Conference approves granting 75 million to the Autonomous Communities to modernize sports facilities

MADRID, 8 Nov. (EUROPA PRESS) – The Sports Sector Conference has approved this Monday the territorial distribution and distribution criteria of a 75 million euro item during 2021 and 2022 destined for the Autonomous Communities and the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla for the implementation of reforms and investments aimed at the revitalization, restructuring … Read more

Jorge Garbajosa: “Laia Palau helped me understand what women’s basketball deserves to be”

ALCOBENDAS (MADRID), Nov. 8 (EUROPA PRESS) – The president of the Spanish Basketball Federation (FEB), Jorge Garbajosa, thanked the base Laia Palau for his 20-year period for the Spanish team and for helping him “to understand what women’s basketball deserves to be”, and made it clear that he wants to have her “close” in the … Read more