Atlético's travel plan for Valladolid

The Atlético de Madrid He did the last training session this Friday before the grand final for LaLiga in Valladolid. A session in which Thomas lemar was the only absence. The French, together with the sanctioned Savic, will be the two casualties of Diego Simeone for such an important commitment.

After exercising, the players went home to eat and rest, before returning to Majadahonda, from where the team will leave for Valladolid. And this time, the expedition will not travel by plane, as has happened throughout the season regardless of destination.

Because for the first time this year, the team will travel by bus. The distance with Valladolid allows it, although there was also the option of the train and even the plane, a formula used by Real Madrid, for example.

At 6.30 pm the departure by road to Valladolid is scheduled. The arrival will be around 20.30. The team will focus on the AC Palacio de Santa Ana hotel, on the banks of the Pisuerga, and about a five-minute drive from the Zorrilla stadium.