“Athletic is a benchmark team in terms of the system”

Xabi Etxeita, ex Athletic (7 seasons, 140 games and 8 goals) and currently in the ranks of Getafe, ended the season on Wednesday falling to Inter (2-0) in a single game in the round of 16 of the Europa League. A clash played in Gelsenkirchen (Germany), the stronghold of Schalke. With 1-0, Jorge Molina he missed a penalty that could change things. The azulones also had a cruel League final. They fought for the Champions League and were even left out of UEFA, remaining eighth. With a last defeat (1-0) in the visit to Levante in which there was everything, goals canceled by the VAR to those of Bordalás, a maximum penalty wasted by Bush and somewhat conceded in the 98th minute. The Zornotza center-back talks to MD just before lowering the blind for a couple of weeks.

What a tough end to the season they have had to live!

Yes, the truth is that after confinement we have not had good results, it was difficult from the beginning. I think we have not adapted to the new situation of playing without an audience. Despite not playing good games, a lot has escaped us due to small details, something that did not happen to us before and we took them forward. In the league we entered a bad dynamic of not winning and it took its toll on us. And the Inter game was already a prize, we passed against Ajax in that beautiful tie and we were excited to move on. I think we played a good game, we had the chance to draw with the penalty, but they have a very good squad, with decisive players at the top (Lukaku and Eriksen scored), they made us second and home. But we must not blame the team for anything, we have had a good year, despite the fact that after confinement it has cost us a lot.

Against Inter he had to “hit” a heavyweight, Lukaku.

Yes, physically he is very strong. I knew it, but until you face it, you don't know what it is. The same is a long time without touching the ball, without intervening, but the minimum that intervenes is lethal. I had to suffer it, it is one more experience, I hope it helps me to improve.

Did they have Europe set as a real target?

Let's see, in October the objective was not to enter Europe. The coach says that you always have to improve, he is very demanding and always wants to achieve the maximum. He says that we are here to improve and achieve great things. Well, in the end we couldn't, but we have to look forward. Every year you can't. We have been able to enjoy it this year, to see if the next one we have possibilities. We know it is difficult, Getafe is a small team, but being in the top positions all season also has a lot of merit.

How did it take to be confined when the Covid-19 crisis started?

I can not complain. I have had availability to train. I was locked up at home, but living with my family and in a fairly large space that allowed me to work. At first it is new and you wear it, in the middle section it costs, but then I started a routine of training in the morning for a couple of hours and in the afternoon being with the family, the kids … It is not easy, but surely a lot better than many people who had to be locked up. At a sports level, what I had in mind was running, I have never been so long without running, I had no treadmill, I had a stationary bike. The first day I went for a run was a liberation. I like doing a lot of sports, in summer I don't know how to do nothing either.

Were the measures and protocol in that meeting with Inter in Germany similar to those of the League?

Similar to that of the League that, at the protocol level, has put many demands and strong restrictions. It is quite difficult for us to catch it. And UEFA is similar. A PCR before traveling and then another upon arrival. And the protocol of distances on buses, individual rooms … Similar.

What feelings have you had playing without an audience?

It has nothing to do with it, they are different things. It has nothing to do with adrenaline, at all. Also the stops, apart from the VAR that interrupts the game a lot, were those of hydration. It has been difficult for us to adapt to all that and we have not done well at all. I do not know whether to tell you that it is another sport, because it is not, but it is quite different from the football we had before.

How do they coexist with the constant judgments about Bordalás and the football they play?

We do not give it importance. We know that if they talk about it a lot, it is because we are doing things well. We have also realized that in a lot of games they have wanted to equalize, teams that when they face Getafe play differently than if they play against others. That means that we do things well, that the coach does things well. We do not give importance to it, we know what all that means and why they say it. We will be doing something good.

Athletic was also fighting practically until the end for a European ticket.

Yes, we knew that as a squad, he could be fighting up there. He has very good players. Although he had a pretty bad streak without being able to win, he has been fighting almost to the end. I was not surprised. Because they have a very good team, because of the style of play they have, they are very reliable. In defense they are one of the most reliable teams, they receive few chances, it takes a lot to do them, and I was not surprised that they are there until the end.

Solid behind, but with trouble scoring goals. They already know.

Yes, that has cost a little more. In the end, it is the most important thing in football and the most difficult thing, to score goals. That's clear.

Do you follow Athletic from a distance during the season?

Whenever I can, I watch the Athletic game, yes, yes. Unless I'm traveling or …

How have you seen the rojiblanco team?

The truth is that well, it has been a reliable team all year. He had that streak in which he couldn't win, there he lost quite a few points. I think it is what has weighed down to be up. But for me it is very, very reliable, it is very difficult to make chances. In football today it is one of the reference teams in terms of the system. And there is the Cup final, it has not yet been played but they have the possibility of winning a title, which is the host for Athletic.

You have been in the Bilbao club, how important is it to win a title like the Cup or enter Europe after three years without doing it like now?

Getting a title for Athletic is amazing. We won the Super Cup, but the Cup would be something more important. In the end that strengthens, the philosophy and everything. It is true that it has been three years without qualifying for Europe by league positions, but we know that it is very difficult to compete with everyone who is up there. Every time they have better equipment. And if Athletic achieves that Cup title with its philosophy, it would have terrible merit. They have the capacity to continue fighting at the top for many more years.

We return to Etxeita. He signed for two seasons with Getafe. What balance do you make of the first?

Well, I arrived with two weeks left to start the League. At first I had no chance to join the team, the coach already had a block made from previous years and it was giving him results. Little by little, I started to play more and with Cabrera's departure I had more continuity. Very happy, I have been able to enjoy football again, the results have accompanied removing the last leg of the League. In the club also good, with the people … Wanting to continue fighting.

And how do you approach the next course? With the idea of ​​settling down even more?

Yes, but football changes a lot, it is difficult to continue there. But I, the same as always, work from the beginning, try to play as many games as possible and enjoy on the pitch. And, if I can't play, try to help the team from outside. I have one year left on my contract, we'll see what can happen.