Agnelli to Lotito: “Does the ranking matter more than the health of your footballers?”

As the coronavirus continues to kneel Italy, yesterday presidents and directors of Series A met by conference call, beginning to address the most imminent issues facing the emergency. It was decided to create four work tables on medical, sports, institutional and economic issues, also involving the Italian Football Federation, the Football Players Association and the media.

The league made it clear with a statement the intention of wanting to end the season once the crisis is over, and the postponement of the Euro Cup, more and more likely, would allow you to use june to get it. Meanwhile, the teams discuss the need to train: the Soccer Association, today, attacked the clubs that continue to summon the players, and there were tense discussions during the Series A meeting.

The general position is to suspend them for a weekobviously less quarantined teams than there are already six (Juventus, Inter, Sampdoria, Verona, Fiorentina and Udinese), with ten infected players (Rugani, Gabbiadini, Colley, Thorsby, Ekdal, La Gumina, Vlahovic, Cutrone, Pezzella and Depaoli).

Several Italian media spoke of a face to face distance between the president of Lazio Lotito, who asked to resume training next week, and Juventus, Andrea Agnelli, who would have replied, according to the 'Corriere dello Sport': “You think more about the classification than the health of your footballers“More measures will be taken starting next week, but it seems difficult for the Italian teams to return to work before April.