Xammar and Brugman, 470 world champions in Mallorca


The Spaniards Jordi Paris 2024 Olympics.

The only Spanish crew in the World Championship emerged victorious, defending the leadership they had achieved on Saturday when the Medal Race could not be held this Sunday due to waves of up to three meters. The Championship closed with the results of the previous day, where the Spanish couple had come back from fourth position.

After a start to the week dominated by the Japanese squads in light breezes, and the warning from the Germans Simon Diesch and Anna Markfort when the intensity rose to 13-14 knots, the Spanish remained on the lookout at all times in Mallorca, and took advantage when the wind picked up to 18-20 knots to storm into the lead at what turned out to be the perfect time.

“We are finally 470 world champions. This championship was extremely important for us. We had been very close, and you never know when your last 470 world championship will be. Being in Spain, this time it had to be. We came out with a lot of pressure, but we have once again demonstrated that we know how to perform under pressure, and that is very important for the Games,” said Xammar in statements provided by the organization.

“In Spain we have an incredible history of 470 sailors. We feel very honored to be part of this history, and we want to continue working to turn a new page in the Olympic Games this summer. It is an honor to be on the list of champions Spanish World Cups,” said Brugman.

The British Vita Heathcote and Chris Grube finished in second position and the podium was completed by the 2023 world champions, the Japanese Keiju Okada and Miho Yoshioka. In the country classification, Great Britain achieved the 470 Nations Trophy title by combined results ahead of Japan and Germany.