Tita Cervera explains why she told Nieves Herrero “this is not how it goes” and stopped the publication of her biography

After three years working side by side on what was to be an authorized biography, Tita Thyssen cut off all communication with snow blacksmith y, as we have in this portalparalyzed the publication of the work scheduled to see the light last April.

“I am preparing my own biography. I am writing it myself because that is how it will resemble my way of thinking and being. I have always liked writing,” Carmen Cervera declared to Public mirror two months ago.

However, although Tita got off the literary ship of her biography, the journalist decided to go ahead with the solo project and this Wednesday she launched her own version of the baroness (Editions B), a novel based on real events. “This has affected me a lot. It has been three years that I have dedicated all my time to the baronessI have been going in and out of his house in La Moraleja, he has opened up a lot with me and logically I am very affected”, declared Herrero in the presentation of the book about the change in attitude of the mother of Borja Thyssen.

Now, Cervera explains to Loc the reason why he disassociated himself from Nieves’s book: “He did not recognize me.” “I didn’t like those dialogues that he attributes to Heini (Thyssen) and me, nor in which it appears that I speak with Lex (Barker, her first husband). I don’t recognize myself or them,” she says.

Carmen also did not like the choice of the beginning of the book. And it is that Herrero starts the story in 1994, “with the kidnapping of Heini Thyssen, after suffering a stroke, when his children wanted to transfer him to a psychiatric hospital and Tita hired a medicalized plane and brought him to Spain, “explained the writer. “That was not the way to start and there are wrong data. The book didn’t even tell when I was born, what it presented to me I didn’t like. This is not the case, I told him,” Tita reveals to the aforementioned medium.

The answer to the million dollar question: who is the father of your daughters?

Nieves subtly addresses the most unknown and controversial fact in the life of Carmen Cervera; the identity of the father of her two daughters born by surrogacy in 2007. “Son (Borja), our family is very small, you have the responsibility to continue our last name,” Tita tells her son, as described by Herero in the book. The journalist thinks that the possibility of damaging the relationship with her son again made her back down.

It should be remembered that before the publication of the baronessthere was a controversial interview with Risto Mejide, primed before its broadcast with a fragment in which the presenter asked Carmen: “Is the father of the girls your son, Borja Thyssen?”. However, the day the interview went on the air, that question was cut off. Apparently Borja’s lawyers did everything possible to get that part censored.

Demand and Netflix

“As long as I don’t say they’re my memoirs, there won’t be any problems. I have no intention of suing for this biography that I don’t approve of and where I don’t recognize myself. It’s a novel by a famous lady and it’s over. Others have already been written without my authorization and I don’t care”, Carmen assures Loc about the possibility that was discussed of a lawsuit against Herrero. And it is that the Baroness is focused on writing her autobiography because she already has a great offer behind her to turn it into a series with Netflix.
