The Secretary of State for Sport breaks the law to see his girlfriend every day

The new Secretary of State for Sport and president of the Higher Sports Council (CSD), Victor Francosviolates the laws by having revalidated his current sentimental partner, Judith Masiàas adviser within his cabinet.

This is made clear, specifically, in article 11 of the law regulating the exercise of high position of the General Administration of the State. In its first point, 11.1, it is stipulated that senior officials “shall objectively serve the general interests, and must prevent their personal interests from unduly influencing the exercise of their functions and responsibilities.”

The controversy is served, because everything indicates that it is a very special case of nepotism in public body. And it is that farmhousewho came as an adviser to the CSD management team a year ago, hand in hand with the former Secretary of State for Sport, Jose Manuel Francohas now been confirmed by his own partner, Judith Masiàto continue in the same position and with the same conditions.

Despite the fact that the protagonist of this unethical and aesthetic act indicated for many in his inauguration that it was “a project of continuity”, the truth is that as freely appointed position which is his girlfriend’s and respecting what is explained in article 11, the most appropriate thing would have been that icetathe minister who has been behind this appointment, would have changed it to another department and different building.
