The Numancia charges against Thebes: “It is not fair that the problem is solved by whoever caused it”

Numancia has issued an official statement in which, along the same lines as Extremadura, it has formally requested the creation of a League with 24 teams after the suspension of Deportivo-Fuenlabrada and the messages published by Thebes on social networks. The Numantino team defends the position that the day should have been repeated in its entirety and that the measures taken “do not have any type of legal accommodation”. Furthermore, the club considers that the integrity of the competition has been removed and reserves legal actions to defend its rights.

Numancia Shield / Flag

Also, emphasizes the criticism of Javier Tebas, especially for what he supposes having accused himself of being the culprit for the Fuenlabrada traveling to A Coruña. In fact, he wants to emphasize that those messages fall on his physical person and not on his position as president of LaLiga and, therefore, he should not be the one to propose the decisions to solve a problem that he himself claims to have caused. Thus, the Numancia urges the RFEF, LaLiga and the Higher Sports Council to adopt a new format with 24 clubs involved. This is the full statement:

Faced with the arbitrary decision adopted by the President of the League and the not coincidental succession of statements made on Sunday, CD Numancia shows its stupor and outrage at this chain of actions that have no legal accommodation and that above all , they absolutely eliminate a principle such as the integrity of the competition.

The correct legal solution was the repetition of day 42 of the second division of the 2019/2020 season, celebrating all the matches at the same time, otherwise there would be adulteration of the competition, for the following reasons:

-It was agreed by the RFEF in CIRCULAR 93 dated June 5, 2020.

-League members called the clubs announcing the suspension of the day before the games.

-The LA LIGA defended it as the solution in the meeting with the RFEF and the CSD before the game.

-It is what the RFEF and the CSD would have agreed if they had had all the information.

For many reasons, we understand the complication of carrying out this repetition.

The unilateral decisions of the President of the League in yesterday's statement represent a new adulteration of the competition, which seriously affect many of the clubs that today are the true owners of LA LIGA.

On the other hand, the unilateral statements of JAVIER TEBAS MEDRANO in his private twitter account, in no case, may he be issuing in his capacity as president but in his capacity as a natural person, and therefore he will be personally responsible for said assumption of responsibility.

Likewise, we consider that it is not reasonable nor does it do justice, that who acknowledges having caused and be the sole and last responsible for the trip from Fuenlabrada to A Coruña, whoever proposes the decisions to solve the problem caused by himself.

That is why we insist that the RFEF and LIGA bodies and also THE SUPERIOR SPORTS COUNCIL must make a decision that is legal and fair, consisting of the celebration in the next season of a league of 24 teams and also adopt a satisfactory solution to start the promotion playoff as soon as possible that includes all the teams affected by the suspension of the Deportivo-Fuenlabrada match.

The CD NUMANCIA DE SORIA, which requested in writing BEFORE facing the CD TENERIFE the dispute of their party at the same time that Deportivo-Fuenlabrada last Monday July 20, reserves the legal actions to defend their rights and those of their subscribers “