The Infanta Cristina, protagonist of the Swiss press for the sentence of one of her escorts: all the details

The Swiss press has echoed the sentence “to penalties of a fine” to one of the escorts of the infanta christina for skipping “several red lights” trying to flee from some paparazzi through the streets of Geneva, where he has lived since 2013.

The fact It happened in February of last year.a few days after the first photographs of Iñaki Urdangarin walking hand in hand Ainhoa ​​Armentiawhile the sister of Philip VI she was going to the airport accompanied by her daughter Irene.

In addition, the country’s justice has also fined the photographer for “reckless driving” for chasing the car of the mother of Pablo Urdangarin tried to capture an image of him that day, a Friday, at one hour in the afternoon in which “traffic began to be dense”, details The country.

The secret appointments of the Infanta Cristina with a man in Barcelona:

It is not the first time that the daughter of emeritus is involved in a problem with her escorts and the press. In Washington, in 2007, a Spanish journalist was denounced for “harassment and persecution.” The police held him one night in the cells and released him after verifying that he was not a danger to the physical integrity or safety of the royal family.

Precisely in Geneva it happened a month ago the last Bourbon conclave because of the graduation of high school of Irene Urdangarin, of which Informalia gave exclusive images. Cristina and Iñaki signed a peace pact while managing their divorce to come as a family in harmony to this special act of their young daughter.
