Terzic complains about Del Cerro Grande: “We have not had any luck with the arbitration”

The coach of the Borussia Dortmund, Edin Terzic, congratulated Manchester City on their “deserved” pass to the Champions League semi-finals, but also regretted bad luck with the refereeing this week, referring to the penalty that was the tie that finally brought the defeat (1-2) of the Germans.

Emblem / Flag B. Dortmund

“We are disappointed. City played very well in both games and deserve to go to the semi-finals. In any case it was a question of passing, it is what counts and not deserving it, “he said in statements after the game, which includes the official website of the club.

The coach referred to the penalty indicated by the Spanish Del Cerro Grande that cost them 1-1, with a hand from Emre Çan who understands that it cannot be sanctioned. “It hurts to have conceded those two goals. They have told us all season that if the ball hits your hand after hitting your head, it is not a penalty.”He said, also recalling that there was controversy in the first leg.

“We had no luck with the referee's decisions during these seven days. The tie took us off course. We wanted to keep the game level and we did it for many minutes, “he concluded.