Tamara Falcó and Íñigo Onieva, together until dawn: the night they spoke face to face about Hugo Arévalo

Inigo Onieva he would have found out before the rest of the mortals of the relationship that his ex allegedly maintains, Tamara Falcoand whoever was his friend, the businessman and entrepreneur Hugo Arevalo. She would have discussed it with Tamara herself in a meeting they had weeks ago.

Read also Hugo Arévalo, betrayed: they filter a video of Tamara Falcó’s boyfriend drunk and uninhibited

Jorge Javier Vazquezattending to sources very close to the Marquise de Griñón, explained it this Wednesday in Save me: “They saw each other in person on the night of November 30 in Madrid and the meeting-conversation lasted several hours.”

The one from Badalona puts his hand in the fire for the source that has leaked the information: “The meeting took place from nine at night until four in the morning.”

According to the Mediaset communicator, Onieva held back and did not say anything to Hugo after finding out. She promised Tamara: “Íñigo takes time to send the message because he promised Tamara not to tell it until she got it through her group of friends.” Once counted in the press, she told him from “dirty rat” up by Whatsapp.

Read alsoTamara Falcó, to the beach with her date on New Year’s Eve: the Marquise’s plans with Hugo Arévalo

The exchange of information continues from one side to the other. In fact, a video of the entrepreneur, who was Tamara’s classmate and who is very liked by mom Preysler, drunk and uninhibited, has also leaked this Wednesday.

Tamara and Íñigo broke off their relationship in September, after the video of Onieva kissing another woman at a festival in Nevada was leaked. That video appeared just one day after the engagement announcement between the two. Hugo, a friend of both, became the cloth of tears for the daughter of Carlos Falcó.