Susanna Griso's peculiar confession: she reveals how she plays the Christmas lottery with her ex-husband

Breaking up a relationship doesn't always mean getting rid of old habits, and telling Susanna Griso. The presenter said this Friday that she plays the lottery every year and that, in addition, she does it with her ex-husband.

Regarding the Christmas Lottery draw, the presenter of Public mirror has told in the program that She and her ex-husband half buy all the tenths that they acquire. In fact, she doesn't share ballots with anyone else. “We play together because it is a custom that we like,” she admitted.

This confession has left his colleagues on the set stunned, where Gonzalo Mirolaughing, he joked that Susanna's new boyfriends will have to wait to become ex-partners to play the lottery with her.

“Your new partners will have to wait a little later and the tenths will be played with the one from now, right?” he asked.

Her divorce from Carles Torres

Susanna Griso was married to Carles Torres, the father of her three children, for 23 years, and their divorce came to light in December 2020. The breakup was friendly and, in fact, after it they have been seen making plans together, such as going out to eat at restaurants.

Although both have their differences, they still understand each other well. While he is an active pro-independence activist, With marked manifestations in this sense, we have seen Susanna much more moderate and even publicly showing her great friendship with Zurita herself.

In the professional, while she continues to lead Public mirrorhe signed as executive producer for the production company Big Brother, Zeppelin TVas revealed The newspaper.