Santos accepts the judicial defeat by Neymar and hopes that Barça will follow the example of Madrid

He Saints He affirmed on Tuesday that he will respect the defeat suffered in Sports Justice for the transfer of Neymar, although he hopes that from now on Barcelona take an example of the “transparency” of Real Madrid when they want to hire one of their players.

He Court of Arbitration for Sport (TAS) rejected a complaint from the Brazilian club filed with the FIFA and in which he claimed the Barca the payment of about 70 million dollars (61.2 million euros) for damages as a result of the signing of Neymar.

“Santos regrets, although will respect, the decision that rejected the unquestionable fact that it was harmed in the operation,” the São Paulo entity said in an official note.

However, in the note he sent a message to the managers of the Catalan team, since He hopes that the ruling will mark the beginning of “a new chapter of transparency and rectitude” for future signings, “taking as an example the transfer of Rodrygo Goes to Real Madrid.”

According to Barcelona, ​​the TAS determined that the contract between Santos and the Brazilian striker was terminated “by mutual agreement” and considered that the commissions paid to the player's father and to the family business N&N did not violate the agreement between the parties.

Likewise, the court rejected that Barcelona committed fraud when it signed a pre-agreement with Neymar, “Not even when he signed the transfer agreement with Santos.”

The Brazilian squad maintained that Barcelona violated FIFA regulations by signing a pre-contract with the player in 2011, when it was almost three years before the end of his relationship with Santos, of which, apparently, he never had knowledge.

Also, the TAS forced Santos to pay the procedural costs to Barcelona, ​​which amount to 20,000 Swiss francs (about $ 21,200).