Óliver: “I didn't think I was going to adapt so quickly”

At a time when there are no press conferences or interviews, soccer professionals try to use social media to reach fans, to whom they answered questions in a kind of virtual appearance. Oliver Torres It is one of them and the Extremaduran assures that he feels very comfortable in the
, where he arrived last summer from Porto.

“I'm very comfortable. I did not think that I would adapt so quickly and that the people of the club and the city would welcome me so well. I feel important and I really want to help the team from wherever I play, “said the Extremaduran before praising the Seville fans:” I really like the fans of
FC. When we jump into the field and listen to the Centennial Hymn sung by all voices, it is a unique sensation, taking advantage of the occasion to ask his followers to stay home in this situation of alarm. “It is time to be responsible and look out for the common good,” he says.

Óliver Torres, the day of his presentation
Óliver Torres, the day of his presentation

The young Spanish midfielder, formed in the ranks of the Atlético de Madrid, is happy to have returned to the League Spanish. “I think it was positive, after a few years away I wanted to return and I knew that Sevilla was the ideal place. We dream and work to win something big with him
“Ensures the Navalmoral de la Mata.

Oliver Torres You think you can improve and that you are not at your peak performance. “No, I think we are never at our best. We always have to have the ambition to improve, that will make us give the best version of ourselves. I'm not at my best yet, but I'm sure I'm on the right track. ”