He wants to take the helm of a bench after eight years with the coach of the Atletico, which today replace by penalty

Koke hits Simeone's hand (left) and the Burgos Monkey (right).
Tonight, the Metropolitan bleacher returns to see Germn Burgos (Mar del Plata, 1969) giving orders from the band and Diego Simeone, stripping and trying to hit the ball from one of the boxes. The situation is not new for either. The enthusiasm and excesses (verbal and nonverbal) of the Cholo have allowed the second rojiblanco technician to lead the baton in almost twenty matches since they both landed hand in the Atlantic, in December 2011. An may have been some ms, of not having prescribed the eight punishment matches to Simeone after the return of the 2014 Super Cup: he gave two clubs to the fourth referee and protests and applauds, in equal parts, Fernndez Borbaln.
However, this may be the last time Burgos made the take off his countryman. Everything depends on Simeone's mpetu from here to June, of course. The fact is that Germn will turn 51 in April and, after almost nine as his friend's second (just over eight in the Atlantic and another five months -18 games) in the Catania Italian), the idea of leading a bench is around his head.
Thought is not new, only this time it has more strength. Just one year ago, after putting itself in the hands of the representative agency Baha International (the same that leads to Vitolo or Fernando Torres), did not appear in the photo of renovation of Simeone until 2022. Although it was not the first time. His previous extensions had already negotiated on his own, after dispensing with the services of Natalia Simeone, sister and representative of Cholo, who had managed his early days in the club rojiblanco.
In any case, the decision will not be known until the end of the season, so as not to interfere in the course of the Atlantic. That is, as they suggest from nearby circles to the former Argentine goalkeeper, right now he will be closer to flying than to continue as second on board.
Simeone and l have always been as one person. They have always been connected and with the same thoughts, they tell this newspaper players who went through the rojiblanco dressing room, for which it will be no surprise that he took the road alone. It greatly influences the changes during the matches and is responsible for making the strategy, they add. Curiously, fate wanted Germn to have to take command in three of the finals the Atlantic won: return of the 2014 Super Cup (Simeone was expelled before half an hour), Europa League 2018 Y European Super Cup 2018.
Ancdotes in the Carabanchel
If you finally take the step, it will not be the first time you were a starting technician. El Mono directed the modest Madrid club of Carabanchel, which I promoted from First Regional to Preferred in 2010. From that time there is a bit of anecdotes. I was going to debut in the land field of the Europa Park (Legans) and we went to measure it. We have steps in dimensions and l adapt the training to the measures where we are going to play, recalls Manuel Renedo, known as Roof tile, who was his second coach. When he won, if he had had coffee in one place, come back before the next game. It was a custom of customs, abounds.
Germn came to lose 20 kilos in those intense months in the Mine Field, where I never lost sight of his chronometer (he always had it hanging) or his classic folder with the board. He came to change system several times during the same game. He was very methodical and a student of football, although always very close to soccer players, concludes Teja, remembering those entertaining, but very intense, tight-fitting workouts that always hide some tactical surprise.
Germn has an idea that someone is a technician. He is restless and at some point I imagine him as head coach, admit Simeone last summer. The moment of Burgos, inseparable from Cholo, is approaching. Nelson Vivas, who arrived in 2018 to replace Tiago, will have to fill the void.
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