Jovic plays it

The preseason of the Real Madrid and there are still many doubts regarding the players who will be part of the squad this course. One of those doubts is at the tip of the attack, where Karim Benzema he is the only one with a guaranteed position. The white club hopes to find a way out for Mariano, although his high record complicates his departure. Something similar happens with Jovic, although in his case the club is still confident that he has room for improvement at 23 years of age.

The Serbian has not stopped exercising throughout the summer to achieve the goal: carve a niche in the team this season. His intention is to continue in white next year, although both he and his surroundings understand that it will not be easy and that his future will depend largely on what he is able to show Ancelotti in this preseason. The Italian wants to observe them all before making any decision.

Jovic, who came to Madrid in the summer of 2019 in exchange for 60 million euros, He has not been able to show his best level with the white shirt. Barely disputed 1,014 minutes in a year and a half, scoring two goals. He had so little prominence that he went to Eintracht on loan to add experience. Now, he is willing to change that bad dynamic and show that he can be a substitute for guarantees for Benzema or even share an attack with him when Carletto I needed it.

His future, like that of many other players on the team, will not depend exclusively on the sporting aspect, and that is because Madrid seeks to cut the squad Y lower the wage bill to address the signing of Mbappe this summer. However, Ancelotti only has three center forwards so it would be normal for only one to come out so as not to weaken the position too much. Mainly because the club does not have in mind to make more signings besides that of the French star.

Real Madrid Shield / Flag


Meanwhile, several clubs are waiting to know the movements of both the forward and Madrid. The main stakeholder is still the Eintracht, which has managed to sell to Andre Silva and could launch to recover the player who was already his star in 2018/2019. Not even the recent signing of Saints I erased would close the door, since the Colombian arrived free after ending his contract with River and they could make an attack partner. However, the Germans are not the only ones.

On Italy, where Jovic continues to have a good poster, there are several interested clubs. Among them Milan, who thinks about the forward in case of not being able to carry out the signing of Giroud. The rossoneri, who have a great relationship with the white board, trust that they will be able to reach an agreement in case of launching for him, but so far there has been no negotiation in this regard.