Gosens: “Löw told us that we had to show fighting spirit”

German winger Robin Gosens, key in the 2-4 victory against Portugal, said that in the last training session the German coach Joachim Löw had told them that they had to awaken the fighting spirit and that had been rewarded today

“Yesterday Joachim Löw had told us that we had to go into fighting mode because it was an all or nothing match. And our fighting spirit was rewarded, ”Gosens said after the match.

Gosens scored the fourth goal of what, he said, he will be happy today and tomorrow and then turn the page and start thinking about Hungary.

“Scoring a goal for the national team is always something special, especially in a tournament and a goal that may be important for what is to come. But I will be happy only today and tomorrow and then we will have to think about Hungary ”, he explained.